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Student Fee Referenda Committee

The Student Fee Referenda Committee (SFRC) is a standing subcommittee of the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Student Services and Fees (CACSSF) and its purpose is to develop and recommend to the Chancellor for approval policies, procedures, and criteria for compulsory campus-based fee referenda on the Berkeley campus, which may include but not be limited to fee proposal development, elections procedures, fee implementation/reductions/changes, and reporting on use of fees throughout their duration.

Timeline & Process

Any propositions relating to student fees must be approved by the campus Student Fee Referenda Committee before they are put on the ballot. SFRC will work with student fee referendum proponent through early spring semester to finalize the language of the student fee with the UC Office of the President.

These dates are annual estimates.

  • November 17th, 2023: Draft referenda must be submitted to the committee. Complete this request form (Google doc) to be automatically provided the fee proposal template and reference this guide (Google doc). Please submit the language in Word format so the Committee can provide in-line edits and suggestions to
  • Late November: The Committee will review your submission and provide you with feedback. They or you may request to join a committee meeting to ask and answer questions live.
  • December 9th, 2023: Final language for your referendum must be submitted to the SFRC
  • Throughout January: Language will be reviewed and approved in conjunction with the UC Office of the President by the end of January.
  • February 1, 2024: Your final referendum language must be submitted to the SFRC to be included on the spring ballot.


SFRC voting membership includes staff representatives from the following: ASUC Auxiliary, Dean of Students Office,  Graduate Division, Registrar, Campus Budget Office, VC Student Affairs, VC Administration, and VC Equity and Inclusion. The Election Manager for department-initiated fees serves as a non-voting member of the SFRC.  Student voting membership includes two representatives each from the ASUC, Graduate Assembly (GA) and the Committee on Student Fees (CSF), and the ASUC Elections Council Chair.

The SFRC has two co-chairs. Each co-chair of the SFRC serves a two-year term, with one co-chair starting and ending his or her term in an even year and the other in an odd year.  According to campus policy, the co-chairs of the SFRC are non-voting members of the committee during their terms.

SRFC Voting Membership (7 students, 6 staff) and SFRC Non-Voting Membership (2 Co-Chairs, Election Manager)

  • Graduate Assembly (2 students)
  • Committee on Student Fees (2 students)
  • ASUC (2 students)
  • Vice Chancellor Student Affairs (1 staff)
  • Vice Chancellor Equity & Inclusion (1 staff)
  • Vice Chancellor Undergraduate Education (1 staff)
  • Graduate Division (1 staff)
  • Office of the Registrar (1 staff)
  • Central Resources Management (1 staff)
  • ASUC Elections Council (1 student)


The duties of the SFRC are as follows:

  • Provide guidance on adherence to Campus and University policies and practices as they relate to compulsory campus-based fees;
  • Advise all sponsors of referenda (students, the ASUC, and campus departments) on the development and implementation of fee language and election procedures;
  • Identify appropriate campus resources for additional consultation;
  • Serve as a resource for the Election Manager for department-initiated referenda;
  • Assist in determining a timeline leading up to the election;
  • Approve the election dates for departmental-initiated referenda;
  • Following an election, notify the Chancellor and CACSSF whether the referendum is in accordance with these guidelines and whether there are any potential impediments to its approval by the President;
  • Hear appeals on actions taken by the Election Manager and render final decisions; and
  • Ensure the fee is used for its intended purpose.

Minutes Archives

Meeting Minutes Archive