Student Affairs Divisional Response
We are appalled and heartbroken by the racist killings and stand in solidarity with the Black and African American community. Tragically, these deaths are not isolated, nor is the racism that underlies them.
These racist killings reflect 400 years of structural and systemic oppression, injustice, and violence against Black people in this country. As a division, we stand against anti-Blackness and racism. We must commit ourselves to addressing systemic oppression, racism, and discrimination and hold accountable our institutions and structures — nationally, locally, and here on campus. As we hold fast to our principles of community, we must bring about meaningful change to build a more just and equitable society.
We encourage every member of Student Affairs to take action and develop ideas, strategies, and resources to address anti-Blackness as well as other forms of oppression wherever they exist. We express our deepest appreciation to the members of our Black and African American community for all that they are holding. To our other colleagues, especially white colleagues, please commit to the self-reflection, self-education and personal growth needed to create a more just, equitable and inclusive environment for all. Below is a curated list of campus resources to support our Black and African American students and staff as well as resources for allies to deepen their learning.
Resources for Black & African American Students
- UC Berkeley University Health Services African American Mental Health Team services, workshops, and resources
- UC Berkeley Dean of Students Resources & Support for Trauma, Tragedies, and Loss
- UC Berkeley Graduate Division Office for Graduate Diversity
- UC Berkeley Law Racial Justice website
- Fannie Lou Hamer Black Resource Center – Black student resource center
- African American Student Development
- Black Student Union
- Black Recruitment and Retention Center
- Organization of African Students at Berkeley
- Multicultural Community Center
- Centers for Educational Equity and Excellence (CE3)
- Numerous and diverse student organizations where students can find community
- ASUC Student Union Black Excellence
Resources for Black & African American Staff and Faculty
- UC Berkeley University Health Services Employee Assistance
- UC Berkeley People and Culture Anti-Racism Statement
- UC Office of the President Statement
- Video Message to Staff, May 31, 2020 by Sunny Lee, Assistant Vice Chancellor & Dean of Students and Samuel Santos, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Engagement, UC Berkeley
- UC Berkeley Black Staff and Faculty Organization
Resources for Allyship
- UC Berkeley People and Culture Race Matters resource website
- UC Berkeley Public Service Center “We need to move from ritualized responses to reparation”
- UC Berkeley Division of Equity & Inclusion anti-racism resources
- Othering and Belonging Institute
- UC Berkeley School of Public Health Anti-Racism Resource Guide (Google Sheets)
- Anti-racism resources Google Doc by Sarah Sophie Flicker and Alyssa Klein (Google doc)
- ACPA College Student Educators International Black Lives Matter Blog
- UC comes together to heal, foster community and demand change (resources and statements from across the UC system)
- Black and Asian American Feminist Solidarities: Reading List
- Recursos antirracistas en español (Google doc)
- ¿Por qué los hispanos deben apoyar el movimiento Black Lives Matter?
A selection of resources compiled by colleagues in the UC Berkeley Black Staff & Faculty Organization.
- UC Berkeley Equity and Inclusion resources — Books, articles, documentaries, podcasts, conferences, performances, and more on topics related to equity, inclusion, access, and diversity.
- UC Berkeley Equity and Inclusion podcasts —Toolkit for supporting a culture of inclusion, belonging, and respect during virtual meetings.
- “On George Floyd and the Struggle to Belong” — Othering & Belonging Institute, a post by Denise Herd.
- Uprising 2020 — Articles, op-eds, interviews, videos, research, policy recommendations, and more on contextualizing and navigating the current situation in relation to the George Floyd protests.
- “We’re in a Moment of Collective Trauma. But There Are Glimmers of Hope” — Othering & Belonging Institute, a post by John A. Powell.
- Roots, Race & Place: A History of Racially Exclusionary Housing in the San Francisco Bay Area — Othering & Belonging Institute, a publication.
- “Building Belonging in a Time of Othering” — Othering & Belonging Conference, a keynote with John A. Powell.
- “How to Fight Racism Through Inner Work” — Greater Good Science Center, a post by Jill Suttie.
- Anti-racist resources from Greater Good — Resources on ways to reduce prejudice, covering topics such as racism, diversity, and bridging differences.
- Resources to support anti-racist learning — Readings, practices, and other resources to assist educators who aim to promote diversity and close the gap that racism has created.
- Anti-Racism Resources document (Google doc) — A document consisting of donation links, petitions, action items, and a variety of anti-racism resources for educators, students, community members, and others.
- “Ibram X. Kendi on How to be an Antiracist at UC Berkeley” — Ibran X. Kendi speaks, via YouTube, on racism and diversity at UC Berkeley in light of recent events.
- Now, More Than Ever, We Need The ARTS! — This is a series of performing arts videos inspiring courage and hope, for a time of physical distancing, from Cal Performances.